
Welcome to my little blogging corner...I'm glad you stumbled by. Everything happens for a reason, so I hope you find something here you are looking for.

I wanted a place to store my favorite things in life, like decorating, gardening, fashion, and things I find on the web that I love. I'm a bargain hunter and love to find things on the cheap, or anything I can make or do myself.  And free is always a good thing!

This blog allows me to keep all the things I am interested in all in one place. And if someone comes along and finds something they like...all the better!

I hope to add plenty of my own DIY projects in time to share with you. So stop back there's more to come.

A bit about me:

I love books, books and more books. I've yet to get a kindle and am having a hard time giving into technology. But, its all good. At one time I didn't see the need for a bank card when they came out years ago....now I can't live without one!

My favorite food is chocolate cheesecake, well all cheesecake in general. And I love watching history movies, puttering in my garden, and organizing.

That's me in a nut shell and as time goes on I'll divulge more. For now it's nice to meet you whoever you are. and thanks for the visit!
