Advent Looking Glass Humming Bird Feeder : SEE |

I love hummingbirds! No garden is complete without a hummingbird feeder. These little birds are a delight to have around. As soon as the flowers start to bloom, the hummingbird follows shortly after. And if you are lucky they will return year after year.
Antique Bottle Hummingbird feeder: SEE |
The hummingbird remembers every flower it has ever been to, and instinctively knows when each of those flowers has re-filled it's nectar. Long established flowers attract them back year after year, and so do feeders.
Antique Bottle Humming Bird Feeders: SEE: RED or BLUE |
Hummingbirds have strong vision and hearing, and can see and hear sounds farther than humans. One thing I found interesting is that they have no sense of smell. This surprised me as I associate flowers with scent.
Hummzinger HighView Feeder: SEE |
This hummingbird feeder reminds me of a cafe where everyone gathers to drink and visit. Its like having a hummingbird cafe in your back yard!
Songbird Copper Hummingbird Swing: SEE |
When I found this hummingbird swing I just had to share it here. I have never seen one before and thought what a delightful addition to any garden. Hummingbirds are territorial and if you place the hummingbird swing close to a feeder they will perch happily there.
Fairy Dust Hummingbird Feeder: SEE |

A fairy hummingbird feeder in the garden will delight both young and old alike.What a wonderful way to add a touch of whimsical to a garden. With three feeding stations this little fairy will have plenty of company!
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